レシチンが約 2 倍・・老化防止成分が普通の卵のおよそ2倍
ビタミンBが約 10 倍から20 倍・・疲労回復、免疫力増加
ビタミンEが約 11 倍・・新陳代謝が活発になる
I bought a blue shell eggs that one kind of chicken “Araucana” .
actually It was expensive, but I had interest about that.
I just bought it on impulse!!
10 commonly chicken eggs is about 2$ here, but It was 2$ for one egg!
Araucana is domestic chicken from Chile, I heard.
I used it to make a custard pudding.
The recipe posted at the bottom of the article.
The egg little bit small size.
I tried “Onsen-tamago” (Like a poached egg) but I miss taken. lol
でもTKG好きな方でしたら絶対、このアローカナの卵で食べるTKGはとても美味しい物だと思いますよ (`・ω・´)キリッ
I tried Soft-boiled egg.
The egg yolk was thick.
Do you know rice with raw egg?
We have habit eating raw egg,
because Japanese egg is very safety.
We called it “TKG”.
T=tamago (tamago meaning egg.)
K=kakeru (kakeru meaning pour.)
G=gohan (gohan meaning rice.)
unfortunately I don’t like rice with raw egg.
so, I tried Soft-boiled egg.
卵1個でプリン2つ とでも題しましょうか・・
How to make 2 Japanese custard pudinng for one egg.
材料 / Ingredients
卵・・1個 / one egg.
砂糖・・大さじ1 / one TBSP sugar.
牛乳・・1カップ / 200 ml whole milk.
バニラエッセンス・・少々 / little bit Vanilla extract.
Caramel sauce
砂糖・・大さじ3 / 3 TBSP sugar.
水・・大さじ1.5 / 1.5 TBSP water.
湯・・大さじ3 / 3 TBSP boiled water.
作り方 / directions
1 鍋に牛乳を入れ、沸騰する前に火を止め、砂糖を加えて溶かす。
A sauce pan into the milk, then heat milk until just before boiling, add sugar melting.
2 ボウルに卵を入れ溶き、バニラエッセンスを加え、温めた砂糖入りの牛乳を少しずつゆっくり加えながら混ぜる。
A bowl into the beating eggs,and vanilla extract, then hot milk pour little by little and very slowly whisk together.
3 2の液体をザルか茶漉しで漉す。
avoid eggs curdling by strainer.
4 プリンカップにプリン液を注ぐ。
Pour the mixture over the pudding cups.
5 プリンカップ2つ分入るくらいの別の鍋を用意し、プリンカップの3/2くらいが浸る程度のお湯を注ぐ。
In an another sauce pan, place pudding cups, and pour hot water around the cups about 3/2 up the side of the cups.
6 鍋に蓋をして、最初は中火で3分くらい、その後弱火にして10~15分程度蒸し、火を止め10分くらい蒸らす。
The sauce pan with lid heated over medium heat 3 minutes, then heated over low heat about 10 to 15 minutes, then turn off the heat 10 minutes steamed.
7 冷蔵庫で3時間~一晩冷やして完成。
Refrigerate at least 3 hours or preferably overnight. Enjoy!
Caramel sauce.
1 フライパンに砂糖を水を加え、混ぜずに砂糖を水が染み渡るように浸し、中火で沸々とし、カラメル色になるまで加熱する。
In a pan, put in sugar and water, but do not stir. Put it on the stove at medium heat until the water and sugar turns to slight dark brown.
2 1に火傷に注意しながら、湯を注ぎ、弱火でこびりついたカラメルをスプーン等で溶かして完成。
Pour the boiled water into the pan (Be careful ) then stir by low heat.
Pour the caramel sauce on the pudding! Enjoy❤
Thank you for reading!