Authentic gelato in tokyo.

I went to authentic Italian ice cream shop that name called “Marghera”.

The head office in Milan.

The shop first store in oversea.

If you never been to Italy, You should go to there!

Actually a menu isn’t cheap, but taste is great!!

Tokyo in 2 stores where located Azabu-jyuban and Ebisu.

Azabu-jyuban store is main store in Japan where located near the Roppongi-hills.

There is a part of luxury place in Tokyo, but There in folksy Japanese pub and restaurants.

Ebisu store located in atre department store where adjoinding Ebisu station.

Ebisu station next stop to Shibuya station where location is very convenient.


I chosen 2 flavors.(about 7 dollars.)

Apple cinnamon & caramel with lemon.

MARGJERA Azabu-jyuban

Ebisu Atore department store

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